Monthly Archives: May 2014
Texas People Research
Bill Pickett
Bill was the second of 13 children born to Thomas Jefferson Pickett.
Bill was shown in a movie created by Richard E. Norman.
Bill was killed when he was kicked hard in the head by a wild bronco.
Chester W. Nimitz
Chester at 1944 got the rank Fleet Admiral.
Chester lost part of his finger in an accident.
Chester did Allied air,land,sea forces during World War ll.
Huddie Ledbetter
Life ran a three page article titled “Lead Belly.
Huddie was inducted into the Louisiana Music Hall of Fame.
Huddie was arested and escaped from jail.
Alamo Fire
Alamo Fire aka Maroon Bluebonnet
The Scientific Classification(family)is Fabaceae. The Scientific Name is Lupinus Texensis. The flower which blooms during March to May are in all regions of Texas. Interesting fact about it is it took over 20 years to develop the flower’s color! The flower is very strict because it can’t take flat areas. The flower will have to take 15 to 75 days grow.
The 3 Things I Learned About The Forest
I learned that there is a wood eating beetle.I learned that each ring means 1 year.I learned that the center of a tree doesn’t have to be in the middle.
The 3 Things I Learned in Jefferson
I learned that Ladybird Johnson lived in Jefferson.I learned that there was a murdering in Jefferson.I learned that Jefferson was in the middle of a war.